Sunday, September 13, 2009

Daddy's Head has Healed!

In a far less urgent manner than last Sunday morning, Geof, the Wonder Twins and I went to the Emergency Department at Raleigh's Wake Medical Center this morning. Seven days had passed since his traumatic ordeal with the bathroom floor, and it was time to get the stitches out.

We went to the hospital instead of our family care provider, because the cost of the sucture removal was included in our last visit. No need to pay twice!

Unfortunately, that meant we were forced to sit in the waiting area with the really sick people. While I definitely felt sorry for them, I made sure to frequently use hand santizer, because I did not want to catch what they had. Sporting a Michael Jackson-style face mask is not my idea of a successful end to the pregnancy!

After about an hour and a half, we got called back to the minor care area, and Jill the nurse started poking at Geof's stitches. After removing the first two, she declared there was too much "gook" (dried blood and layered antibiotic ointment) caked in Geof's hair to really see the stitches well. So, she scrubbed the gooky area down with some hydrogen peroxide and deemed the wound area much cleaner.

During this process, she decided to tell me all about her daughter who had girl-girl twins last year. Apparently, she did not have an easy pregnancy and ended up in the hospital several times before finally having the babies at 30 weeks.

Ummm... I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow, but that doesn't mean I want to hear about another mother's pregnancy trials and tribulations. Why would you tell me that?

Thankfully, the twin talk ceased when the crooked-looking specialty scissors came back out.

With a few snips, Nurse Jill got all the stitches out with no trouble. She proclaimed that Geof's head wound had healed nicely, but she did point out one spot that would probably still be tender, as indicated by its light pink color. She said Geof should just use sensitivity when washing his hair, and if he had any problems, he should come back in.

Geof is thrilled to be able to wash the back of his head for the first time in a week! To celebrate this monumental achievement, as well as Geof's bravery, we went to Moe's for lunch. The twins must have enjoyed this little Mexican treat, because they are now kicking like crazy! Arriba, chicas!

Again, we'd like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers during the past week! We are very grateful for Geof's speedy recovery and look forward to our next trip to the hospital being for the babies' birth!

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